Story time我尝试略我交流1. 略2. (1)B(2)C3. (1)with (2)medicine, warm (3)anything (4)morning 4. (1)headache (2)have a rest at home, take some medicine and drink some warm water (3)toothache,(4)Yes(5)brush his teeth in the morning and before bedtime5. 略6. 略我运用1. 略2. (1)has,headache, fever, cold,have a rest, take some medicine, drink some warm water (2)has,toothache, eat anything,shouldn't, brush his teeth, bedtime3. (1)wrong, headache, rest, take, medicine(2)with, toothache, lot of sweets, do, shouldn’t, brush your teeth脱口秀略
Grammar time我尝试1. eat sweets, brush one’s teeth, take medicine2. 略我交流略我运用1. (1)her,She (2)he,He,drink (3)them,They (4)brush,teeth (5)has,watch2. (1)has, toothache (2)shouldn’t, too many (3)should, warm脱口秀略
Fun time我尝试1. (1)D (2)C(3)B(4)A2. 略我交流略我运用1. (1)see the doctor (2)have a rest at home (3)take some medicine,drink warm water(4) 吃太多糖(5)在睡觉前2. (1)B (2)C(3)A脱口秀略
Sound time & Culture time我尝试略我交流1. 2 4 1 |