阅读短文,选择正确答案。Father:TodayisSunday.Henry, Iwouldl

Father: Today is Sunday. Henry, I would like to take you to the park.     
Kate: Can I come with you, too? We can play together.     
Father: Oh, I'm sorry. You need to look after your little sister. Because your mother is at work.
Kate: Oh, don't worry! I can take her to the park, too. She can play games with other children.      
Father: OK. Go to your bedroom and put on your new dress in the box.      
Kate: All right. Thank you.     
Father: It's about nine o'clock. Time to go.      
Kate and Henry: All right. Let's go.
1. What day is it today?               .
A. Saturday     
B. Sunday      
C. Two weeks     
D. 1999
2. Where do they want to go?   They want to go to               .
[     ]
A. a park         
B. a zoo           
C. school            
D. their room
3. Who is going to the park with Father?                   .
[     ]
A. Henry         
B. Kate's sister  
C. Kate               
D. A, B and C
4. Where's Kate's new dress?                   .
[     ]
A. On the bed.  
B. In the box.   
C. On the box.     
D. We don't know.
5. What's the time?                     .
[     ]
A. About eleven o'clock.           
B. About nine o'clock                 
C. about twelve o'clock.            
D. About six o'clock

1-5   B  A  D  B  B


