读对话,完成John和Mary的作息表。Mary:Hi, John!Whendoyougetup

Mary: Hi, John! When do you get up?
John: I usually get up at 6: 20. What about you?
Mary: At 6: 00. When do you eat breakfast?
John: Usually I eat breakfast at 6: 40. When do you eat breakfast?
Mary: At 6: 30. When do you go home in the afternoon?
John: At 4: 00.
Mary: When do you do your homework?
John: I do my homework at 6: 30. And you?
Mary: At 6: 00. When do you go to bed?
John: Usually at 8: 00. If (如果) I have a lot of homework to do, I'll go to bed later. How about you?
Mary: At 8: 20.
           John's timetable
get up               6: 20 a. m.
eat breakfast     1____________ a.m.
go home           2____________ p. m.
do homework    3____________ p. m.
go to bed           4____________ p. m.              Mary's timetable
get up               5____________a. m.
6____________   6: 30 a. m.
do homework    7____________ p. m.
go to bed          8____________ p. m.

1. 6: 40  2. 4: 00  3. 6: 30  4. 8: 00  5. 6: 00  6. eat breakfast  7. 6: 00  8. 8: 20


